World’s Biggest Animal Rights Campaign Comes To The Midlands

The largest, longest running and hardest hitting animal rights campaign in the world – Go Vegan World – is appearing across major English cities throughout January, including Leicester and Birmingham. 

Featuring powerful, highly thought-provoking messages such as Dairy Takes Babies from their Mothers, Humane Milk is a Myth: Don’t Buy It and Vegetarianism is Not Enough for male chicks who are killed at birth by the egg industry, the award winning advertising campaign is designed to encourage people to question the notion that humans are better than other animals; and to get them to think seriously about the ethics of continuing to use animals as food, clothing, entertainment, and for research.

Through striking digital video and stills, the advertising will be targeting shoppers and city traffic across  London on billboards, taxis and buses throughout January, as well as on other key sites in Newcastle, Liverpool, Leicester, Bristol and Birmingham, including featuring on the largest roadside digital billboard in Europe on the M6 Motorway.

The campaign is being run by the Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary, Ireland – a number of whose animal residents feature in the adverts – and is part of an international campaign that is currently touring the UK, following a successful launch in Ireland in October 2015.

Campaign Director – and Founder of the Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary – Sandra Higgins said: “There is substantial research that demonstrates that other animals share the human capacity to be consciously aware and to suffer. Breeding them for our use and taking their lives is extremely harmful to them, even when the best of welfare standards are adhered to. It is impossible to regulate something that is inherently unjust.”

There is also a growing body of research that shows that a switch to a vegan lifestyle would also benefit the environment and human health and help alleviate world hunger.

The campaign directs viewers to research the issues for themselves by downloading the campaign’s Free Vegan Guide at

“Most people are pleasantly surprised to find that it is easy and enjoyable to be vegan, especially when motivated by our deepest values of justice and fairness” said Higgins.

The Go Vegan World Free Vegan Guide can be downloaded from the website

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