Artist Pete McKee is to open a pop-up gallery in Birmingham, a city which he has never presented work in before, from 4-7 July 2019.
The gallery combines a mixture of classic and new work, including an image designed especially for Birmingham reflecting the city’s vibrancy and heritage.
It is the second stop in a tour that goes to Brighton (14-17 June), Birmingham (4-7 July) and Nottingham (24-27 July).

Pete McKee is an internationally-renowned artist whose inimitable style and sense of humour has earned legions of fans the world over, working with some of the biggest names in music and fashion. The pop-up galleries are an exciting opportunity to see a selection of Pete’s work, selected for these events, showcasing the diversity of his witty and charming images.

The tour coincides with the release of Pete’s new book, ‘Council Skies’, a collection of his work over the last 15 years, from his early sketch work right through to images from his most recent exhibitions. It features a foreword from award-winning social affairs writer and author of Austerity Bites: A journey to the sharp end of cuts in the UK, Mary O’Hara, and an introduction from Dr Susan McPherson, lecturer in Sociology at Sheffield Hallam University.

Photo by India Hobson
Pete will do an in-store signing at the Birmingham pop-up from 10am – 12pm Saturday 6th July.
Pete McKee explains why Birmingham was chosen as a location for a pop-up gallery:
“Birmingham and its people are born of hard graft and pride. Its foundations are built on industry and revolution, much like my home town. It has been exciting seeing the city evolve and change over the years with more and more creative spaces popping up. I particularly love the street art dotted about the city.”
The visit to Birmingham follows Pete’s biggest show to date, ‘This Class Works’ exhibited in 2018. Over 10,000 visitors came to this sell out exhibition, lasting just over two weeks at an old spring factory in Pete’s hometown of Sheffield. The exhibition showcased Pete’s work and the work of several other artists. It explored and celebrated working class culture and people, examining their pride and resourcefulness, work ethic and sense of community, and set out to share that spirit with today’s aspirational younger generation.