The Birmingham Botanical Gardens is getting involved in this year’s RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch this month – and is inviting members of the public to play their part in this important annual event.
Last year, about half a million people across the UK took part in what is now the largest wildlife survey in the world and in 2019 alone, more than 7.5 million birds were counted.
And this year – over the survey weekend, January 25-27 – the 15-acre attraction in Edgbaston is offering participants two-for-one entry, plus free entry for children if visiting with family.
James Wheeler, chief executive of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, said: “The RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch is an invaluable wildlife survey and as we are a haven for birds, with more than 7000 plants, trees and shrubs, we hope we can capture some important data to help with the tracking of bird numbers in the country.”
Participants can pick up a survey print-out from reception if they have not received the RPSB pack or not downloaded it onto their phones. Anyone taking part in the RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch at the Gardens is asked to provide a copy of their survey to include in its nature survey data.