Do you have a few hours to spare to help a Midlands children’s charity? If so, Children’s Liver Disease Foundation would love to hear from you. The charity, which is based in Birmingham, is the only one in the UK dedicated to fighting all childhood liver diseases.
“We are a small charity who provide a lifeline for families throughout the UK who have to cope with the shattering diagnosis of liver disease in their child,” explains Head of Fundraising, Sophie Burt. “Every week, 20 children are diagnosed with a liver disease and sadly there is still no cure. As well as funding research, we support families and young people affected and provide information on childhood liver diseases to health professionals.
“However, we are a very small team, almost entirely reliant on voluntary donations and we really are in need of extra pairs of hands to ensure that we really can reach all those families who need us.
“We are on the lookout for people from the West Midlands area who could give us just a few hours a week to help with anything from putting out collecting tins to perhaps giving a talk to a local group about us. It’s a home-based role with full training and support and is a great opportunity for anyone with a little bit of time on their hands to get involved with a fantastic local charity and help us raise vital funds.”
To enquire about volunteer roles at Children’s Liver Disease Foundation email [email protected] or call 0121 212 6022.