Birmingham-based Mondelēz International’s employees have joined forces to raise money for two charities, by cycling, running and walking an incredible 10,000 miles throughout April.

The virtual challenge was devised after the team’s annual charity cycle ride was postponed due to the impact of COVID-19, with the group working towards its 2020 target of raising £10,000 for charity. Each person was able to complete their miles however they could, while adhering to government guidance on social distancing.

Throughout the month, 42 employees clocked up an impressive 11,903 miles, beating their target for the challenge and initially raising £1,340. The Cadbury Foundation stepped in to match the total raised and Mondelēz International’s employees also chose to donate to each charity through the company’s BOOST employee wellbeing initiative – bringing the total to an incredible £3,340.

For the challenge, the team raised money for both Acorns Children’s Hospice and Grocery Aid. The hospice provides vital care for life limited and life threatened children and support for their families.

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