50 years after the Apollo 11 Moon Landing, MAC Associate Company Little Earthquake is joining forces with Midlands Arts Centre and the University of Birmingham to celebrate this special anniversary in spectacular style.
MoonFest is a nine-day programme of Moon-inspired events, performances, screenings and activities created with artists, academics and audience members.
Rocket Fuel
Fri 19 July | 8pm | £22.50 | Theatre | Ages 16+
Sat 20 July | 2.30pm | £22.50 adult / £12 child | Theatre Ages 7+
In space, no one can hear your tummy rumble. And on a trip lasting 102 hours, you’re bound to get a little bit peckish. Inspired by Neil Armstrong’s actual in-flight menu, we’re teaming up with gastronomartist Kaye Winwood to create a delectable dining experience that is truly out of this world. Sample some unique tastes, scents and sensations based on the authentic dishes and drinks which powered Armstrong’s giant leap for mankind, and get a flavour of space travel from the comfort of your very own seat at the Commander’s table. The matinee performance of Rocket Fuel will be specially adapted to be family-friendly.
Clayground Collective: Crater Formations
Sat 20 – Sun 21 July | Free
Out on MAC’s Terrace, two tonnes of grey clay will mysteriously appear overnight — ready and waiting to be shaped, patted and moulded by you! Clayground Collective invites you to roll up your sleeves, feel the soft squish of the clay and use the limitless power of your imagination to sculpt an epic lunar landscape!
Moon Museum
Inspired by the miniature artwork smuggled onto the Moon during the Apollo 12 mission, they’re commissioning six brand new pieces which will be created through artist collaborations with community groups across the city.
To Infinity And Beyond
Dressed in fabulous 1960s fashions and armed with cutting-edge 1960s equipment (notepads and typewriters), a team of writers will be installed at MAC for one rotation of the Moon (namely, one day!) to produce brand new sci-fi short stories inspired by audiences’ visions of the future. These will be beamed far and wide in a special MoonFest podcast.
Tiny Light Theatre: The Paper Moon
A gentle first adventure into theatre for babies, very young children and their grown-ups. Welcome to the small town of Blank Page – come and meet its two inhabitants! As they explore their paper-y world, they take the audience on a scrinchy scrunchy crinkly journey.
In-Flight Movies
A handpicked selection of shorts, documentaries and full-length features to keep astronauts of all ages entertained.