New Whats On Website Launched For Sutton Coldfield

Royal Sutton Coldfield Town Council and Sutton Coldfield Town Centre BID have joined forces to build What’s On Sutton Coldfield, a new, go-to website for what’s happening across the Royal Town.

It is hoped that this free platform will act as a virtual shop window for local businesses’ reopening plans and future events. Work has already begun to initially showcase the best of what the town centre has to offer, and plans are to expand What’s On Sutton Coldfield to include the other local centres and places of interest across the town, celebrating what makes Royal Sutton Coldfield a great place to live and encouraging residents and visitors to explore local venues, events and offers.

For businesses or places of interest that wish to feature on What’s On Sutton Coldfield, please use the add events form at or contact [email protected].
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