West Midlands charities set to receive £20K from The Cadbury Foundation

Four charities from across Birmingham have been hand-selected by employees at various Mondelēz International sites throughout the region to each receive a donation of £5,000 from the Cadbury Foundation.

Little Hearts Matter, Sense, St Hilda’s Scout Group and Tamworth and Lichfield Sea Cadets will be granted the considerable figure from The Cadbury Foundation as part of its ‘Your Charity Your Choice’ scheme.

Each year, all Mondelēz International UK employees are invited to nominate wellbeing-related charities or projects close to their hearts, with the final shortlisted charities up for vote amongst fellow employees.

The Cadbury Foundation was set up in 1935 to recognise the Richard and George Cabury’s investment in the welfare of their employees.

Craig Foxall works at the Bournville Manufacturing Mondelēz International site and nominated Little Hearts Matter. He said: “I chose Little Hearts Matter as in 2015 my daughter was born with Pulmonary Valve Atresia and Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome.

“After the great support from the hospital, we found Little Hearts Matter who continue to provide support for my daughter and family, as well as organise retreats and send care packages when the children have upcoming operations.”

The Cadbury Foundation donated £5,000 to Little Hearts Matter
Little Hearts Matter

Little Hearts Matter is a Birmingham-based national charity and is the only one of its kind. The charity is dedicated to helping children diagnosed with only half of a working heart.

Ian Carr, fundraising and marketing manager at Little Hearts Matter, said: “This money will be going towards a very special project called the Brave Heart Awards. The children we support are very rarely considered for awards simply because they cannot achieve what is expected.

“Awards for sports and attendance for example, are impossible because of physical restrictions and the fact they miss school due to ill health. The Brave Heart awards will address this and reward our children for understanding their heart.”

For more information about the Cadbury Foundation, visit cadbury.co.uk/cadbury-foundation
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