There’s no denying it, in today’s environment the priorities of your business can change radically between breakfast and lunch, so how do you plan for future business successes in a world where the goal posts are constantly being moved?

2021 is going to be a year which is going to challenge businesses in ways in which we have never seen before and that will have a huge impact on how businesses achieve growth: whether that be for an existing business, or businesses that have sprung up over the past couple of months.

Here, Rob Spence – Managing Director of Paragon Sales Solutions – shares five simple things you can be doing to help kickstart your business in 2021 and beyond.

Set Goals and Targets

 We all need something to aim for, and in business this statement could not be more true. Make sure, no matter the size of your business, you have some clear goals and targets and how you are going to achieve them.

Why not try writing down some sales goals for the month, or the quarter, or even the year. Write down revenue targets. In reality, it doesn’t matter what goals you set; they are yours after all. As long as you have something to aim for, you will have a much higher possibility of achieving it and you will be leaving less to chance.

Seek out a Mentor

 We all need a bit of support from time to time, and we all need a coach in our corner to offer advice and encouragement on those days when we are feeling deflated. Of course, you could scope the market and invest in a business coach which will help you to see some returns, however why not ask around your own support networks in the first instance. Perhaps you have a close friend who is a business owner, or a family member perhaps?

If you can find someone who has ‘been there, done that’ and is willing to offer you some support and advice then make sure you take them up on it. Being an entrepreneur can be a very lonely job but with the right mentor by your side you will take all that is thrown at you in your stride.


 Networking should be a crucial part of any business or marketing strategy. The more you talk and engage with people the more you and your brand will become known, and thus increase your chances of eventually making sales.

Remember; it’s not what we know, it’s who we know!

Even with the ongoing pandemic there are plenty of networking groups to join and take part in virtually, so do your homework and find a group that suits you and your business.

I could probably write a whole article on the ins and outs of networking but remember this; networking is a long-term affair. The chances of you making a sale on a first meeting, or a first interaction is very slim. However, use the time to develop relationships and plant some seeds.

Digital Coverage

 We cannot escape the digital world we are in, and for me this covers everything from websites and social media platforms, to other digital technologies. Fortunately, all of these put you at an advantage as they each give you a chance to market your products and your services.

Putting a focus on social media for a moment, ensure you and your business are on the social media platforms that you feel will work for you and your business. Please do not overthink this; many people sit back wondering what platform will be best, and which will be relevant to finding the best customers. Instead, just dive in! Social media doesn’t have to be the confusing minefield many make it out to be.

Focus on good quality content – both written and illustrative – and engage with your audiences.

Get on the Phone

 It is amazing just how many businesses grow and sell more once they start actually talking to their customers, and potential customers. It can be very easy to set up your stall and sit and wait for customers to come and find you. It can also be very easy to sit and hope that your previous customers will come back for more. But taking the easy option rarely gets you anywhere.

Now is the time to start talking to your customers, engaging with them, and reminding them that you are there.

If you have a list of people who have bought from you before; get on the phone to them and see how things are. If you have a list of people who have shown an interest in your products or services but have never bought from you, then get in touch with them too. If you have a list of people who have never bought from you, but you think they should, then talk to them about it.

Of course, your method of contact doesn’t always have to be via the telephone. It can be via email, social media messaging, text message or even a letter in the post. Just start talking!

Rob Spence is a sales trainer, author, and the Managing Director of Paragon Sales Solutions. His passion lies in helping people and businesses to succeed by ethical increasing sales. To find out more, get in touch with him directly via 0116 332 2813 or [email protected].

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