The last few weeks have been life changing for many and made many of us decide it’s high time to stop putting off much of our ‘life admin’ with wills being top of the list. It’s therefore been a busy if somewhat surreal start for new Wills and Probate Solicitor Claire Brown at Dodds Solicitors LLP. Here Claire tells us all about her first week amidst the current lockdown and how to organise a will while social distancing.
“The last few weeks have been life changing and unsettling for most of us due to the unexpected Coronavirus. In amongst the feelings of worry and uncertainty, I have also been really excited to start with Dodds Solicitors. I haven’t made it into the office for my first week but that hasn’t stopped me working in my kitchen! The team have still managed to make me feel really welcome having many chats on the phone, zoom calls arranged and even remote inductions and case management training. We are still open for business and as there is likely to be a boom for Wills in the coming weeks and months we must be able to adapt!”
But so far so good! We are set up to work remotely from home and we have been speaking with each other and our clients via email, skype and telephone. Despite our staff working from home, we are still one team ready to serve our clients as we normally do.
It has been reported that there is a 30% increase in the demand for Wills already and this is expected to keep growing. In times like this, people are understandably taking the time to reflect and think about putting their Wills in place or updating any old ones they might have.
In normal circumstances, we would meet with our clients face to face and discuss their wishes at that meeting. We would then see the clients again to sign their Wills with them.
So what is the process now with the imposed social distancing? – If you are thinking about putting your Will in place this is what you need to do:
- Contact your solicitor by email or telephone to let them know you would like to make a Will – we are able to obtain your ID and any other documents remotely by email or scanned picture message
- We as a firm will call our clients to discuss their wishes with them and advise them over the phone. This can be followed up by email if necessary
- We will prepare the Wills and send them out for the clients to sign at home with instructions on how they should do this
- We will check the signed copy to ensure it has all been done correctly
- The Will is then in place and valid
Times are changing but as a firm so are we. We are here to help and assist our clients as before but just in a slightly different way. Ultimately a Will is one of the most important things you will do in your lifetime and the current situation is prompting people to think about it even more and Dodds are here to help you.