So it’s finally arrived, that wonderful moment of the year… HOLIDAY TIME! There’s just one slight obstacle you have to overcome first… packing! I think most women look at a suitcase and think everything-but-the-kitchen-sink. Men, of course, pack for the weather. Some people can get away with a couple of pairs of knickers, a toothbrush and some malaria tablets. That is certainly NOT me!
We all want to look our best on holiday, without standing out as white limbed tourists. Believe it or not, having the correct clothes can really make or break a holiday. Photographs will be taken at unexpected times and from unwelcome angles. No wonder us girls have a collective clothes crisis whilst trying to enjoy our holiday!
So where do you start? What do you pack? Well the previous pages of this issue should help you with that, but many people forget that turning up at the airport is the start of your holiday so you should still feel special and chic in that all important airport outfit.
It goes without saying you should wear colours that won’t show up dirt and grime and wear fabrics that can be washed easily. Leave the dryclean garments only in the wardrobe at home. If you are going on say a city break and will need a jacket and a pair of stylish trainers, the trick is to wear these items on the flight. They will be bulky and heavy so wear them to the airport.
Lots of people swear by taking certain items on the plane with them, such as a pillow, cashmere socks, a pashmina, vitamin or aromatherapy spray, eye drops, makeup wipes, earplugs… The list is endless but also weighty! The secret is to relax and feel at home. If this means brushing your teeth and popping your pyjama bottoms on then do this. The main thing is to drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated. So here are my top tips for a stress free, non clothes crisis journey into perfecting your packing!
Due to the ever decreasing airline baggage allowances, your suitcase or holdall is the best place to start. When you are limited to so little weight, your case needs to weigh as little as possible. A hard case is always good to keep clothes flat and less creased on a long flight as well as protecting anything that is fragile. However they can weigh up to a third of your allowance so opt for a specialist lightweight case but still some of these cases can weigh 5-6kg, so always check the exact weight before you make a purchase. If you are nipping away for a long weekend then opt for a holdall as they tend to be a bit lighter and are equally as durable.
It is always the toiletries that tend to ruin the packing plans! They weigh more than anything else, invariably leak and are often left behind half full at the end of the holiday because you can’t be bothered to bring them home. Opt for miniatures or decant your favourite products into lightweight plastic containers.
Fortunately supermarkets, chemists and beauty counters are all meeting the demand for travel sizes and you can pretty much get everything you need in miniature form! They are lighter, take up less room and avoid wastage. You can also pick up your sun cream and beach towel when you’re abroad. Don’t forget that if you are taking your bag on as hand luggage you need to keep all liquid products below 100ml and store them in a clear bag.
Small time packing is achievable for weekends away and five day breaks, especially in the summer as the light fabrics fold into nothing. The key is to keep things flat. I’m going to make it easy for you and break it down into the different sections of the case.
Bottom – start by placing the items to want to keep flat, lay your jeans, skirts, dresses the length of the case with the excess fabric hanging over the side, to be folded in again at the end, over the clothes. If you want to be a complete packing goddess then line the case and each layer with a bit of tissue paper. This will keep the items pristine and stop say jean rivets rubbing against linen trousers.
Centre – place all folded items such as tops, t-shirts and cardigans in the middle.
Top – place the heavy items on top to keep everything in place, shoes should be popped into plastic bags followed by your toiletries bag. Many people put in their toiletries first, because they are heavy. But when you get to your hotel and want to freshen up, they’re usually the things you need instantly to hand. After that the trouser legs and maxi dresses (the ones left hanging over the sides) can then be draped over the top,
Underwear can be tucked into the pocket inside the lid of the case (or even stuffed into pointy toes to preserve them) Belts can be rolled, wrapped and placed in the remaining pockets of space around the clothing.
If you are still really unsure of what to pack you can give me a call and I’d be more than happy to help! I’ll even try and fit in your suitcase so I can come on holiday with you and style you every day!
Your Fairy Clothes Mother x
Working as a Buyer and Image Consultant for high street fashion chains as well as high end designers, including Amanda Wakeley, Cleo now runs her own personal styling and shopping service, helping real men and women to take control of their wardrobe.
E: [email protected] W: Facebook: Demi Couture Twitter: @cleolacey Instagram: DemiCoutureStylist