Serves: 6-8
Preparation time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Cooking time: 20-25 minutes
You’ll need:
840ml warm water
15g fast acting dried yeast
500g strong bread flour
800g mixed cherry tomatoes
Olive oil
8g Maldon sea salt
25g oregano
What to do:
Pour the warm water in to a large bowl and add the yeast. Whisk this together then add half the flour to form a very wet dough.
Place the bowl in a warm area to prove. After 40 minutes the dough should have risen, and you should now be able to see small bubbles within the mixture.
Add the remaining flour, salt and one tablespoon of olive oil and mix together thoroughly.
Turn out onto a floured surface and knead well until nice and smooth (about ten minutes). Place back in to a bowl, drizzle over a little olive oil and cover with a damp cloth and allow to prove once more (about 40 minutes).
When this is done turn out again on to a floured surface and stretch it to a large rectangle and then fold over on itself into thirds. Now there should be three layers.
Place on an oiled non-stick tray and drizzle with more olive oil. Push your fingers into the dough to spread it out and to make the ‘holes’. Pop a cherry tomato and oregano into each hole, pushing them down into the dough.
Allow it to prove once more until almost doubled in height (about 30 minutes) and then sprinkle over some Maldon sea salt.
Cook in a preheated oven at 220°c for 10 minutes. Turn down the oven to 200°c and turn the tray around. Cook for a further 15-20 minutes.
Remove from the oven and drizzle with a little more olive oil and fresh oregano.