It’s not only the Queen who is celebrating a 70th Anniversary in 2022, local independent charity Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland, are also celebrating 70 years of support this year.
Teaming up with long-established Leicester-based bakery Pukka, on Wednesday 13th April, Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland invited over 100 local older people, many of them veterans, for a free afternoon of Pie and Mash at Loughborough Town Hall.
As part of their momentous 70th anniversary celebrations, Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland hosted the event, with local service users enjoying an afternoon of delicious food and good company. Guests were treated to a tasty pie supplied by Pukka, accompanied with mash and veg which were donated by Morrisons and prepared and served up by Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland’s catering team. Following speeches from the Mayor of Charnwood, Councillor Paul Baines, Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland’s Assistant Director, Troy Young and a fundraising raffle, guests also tucked into a tasty dessert of apple crumble and custard.
Volunteers from global engineering group, Meggitt and local Morrisons community champions also came along to lend a hand on the day. The idea for the event was originally sparked by the Mayor of Charnwood, Councillor Paul Baines upon a visit to Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland’s Charnwood Men and Women in Shed project last November where he was inspired to present the idea of a community event to Pukka.
Located in Loughborough, the Shed provides a safe, friendly, and inclusive environment for local older men and women to share practical skills, tools and resources to work on projects of their choosing at their own pace.
Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland have grown to be the largest independent local Age UK in England. The demand for their services has grown exponentially since 1952 and they are tremendously proud of their achievements, especially during the last 2 years when they’ve been a lifeline for thousands of local older people.
Can you help Age UK Leicester Shire & Rutland reach their fundraising target £70,000 this year? If you’re planning a Platinum celebration in 2022, then why not raise some money along the way? There are plenty of ways you can get involved and make a difference, head over to their website and social media pages to find out more.