Do you want to be the voice, be heard and spread the word. Have you got plenty to say, energy and passion. If you’re engaging, confident and in touch with your roots, you could be the new radio host for BBC Radio Leicester and Radio2Funky.
The station is on the hunt for fresh new talent to host their new African Caribbean Show which will launch over the summer, and will be simulcast on Radio2Funky, Leicester’s only radio station dedicated to black music and arts, and are partnering up for this show and talent search. A team from BBC 1Xtra will be also sharing some insider secrets.
There will be a fun and competitive The Voice-style blind audition process with special guest judges. Just turn up on the day – doors at 10am with your 60 second story about life in Leicester.
Open auditions will take place on 11th May at the 2Funky Music Café, 23A New Park Street, Leicester, LE3 5NH.
The successful candidate will get a year-long part-time contract to host the show which will reflect the concerns, hopes, lives and loves of the African and Caribbean communities and the show will be shaped around the new presenter’s strengths.
Sophie Shardlow, editor of BBC Radio Leicester comments, “Leicester is such a diverse city and we’re looking for an authentic voice, someone who encapsulates the heart of their community, has a story to tell and who can engage with the listeners every week. We need fresh new talent on the airwaves, I can’t wait to see who comes through our doors!”