Husband and wife team Ami and Lance from Bisbrooke Artisans are hoping to raise £9500 to purchase a larger, second hand oven.
They want to move the bakery from the tiny kitchen of their Rutland cottage into a proper business unit. Demand for their bread is already outstripping what they can produce with their current equipment. Sponsors supporting the Crowdfunder project can enjoy some fantastic rewards, including a year of sourdough bread, sourdough baking workshops and they can even pay forward their reward to allow a member of a community group who will benefit from the skills and confidence building element to participate in a workshop.
The new bakery will also feature a permanent Wall of Thanks which will pay tribute to everyone who supported the project.
The ingredients for these gut-friendly breads are locally sourced, including flour from Whissendine Mill. The artisan processes of natural leavening, proofing, rounding, shaping and retarding the bread takes 30-36 hours. Only when these stages are right can it be baked. Knowing every stage has been done correctly is where the baker’s skill is crucial.
“We have launched a crowdfunder campaign so we can expand the bakery and bring real sourdough bread to the whole of Leicestershire and Rutland. We want to offer the community sourdough classes and workshops and spread the joy of artisan baking to everyone we meet! If you enjoy local, fresh produce on your table every day then this is the campaign for you. We support lots of local cafes, delis and restaurants and we want you to be able to enjoy our bread wherever you are based.”
Bisbrooke Artisans are known for their interesting varieties of sourdoughs – including charcoal & caraway, turmeric & fennel, citrus rye, sesame and a lovely Omega 3 mix. They also make a range of fresh spicy condiments, drawing on Ami’s Bangladeshi heritage, to accompany the breads and to give people a new flavour experience.
The artisan bakers will have just 4 weeks to hit their target in this all or nothing crowdfunding campaign, so they need to get everyone on board as soon as possible.