Renowned filmmaker Steve Balderson is set to captivate audiences worldwide with his latest cinematic masterpiece, “Love, Venezia.” This poignant film, featuring a diverse LGBTQ+ love story, is woven through the enchanting canals and historic palazzos of Venice, Italy, promising a visual and emotional feast for cinephiles everywhere – and it has a distinctly Leicestershire flavour to it…
The film trailer – especially the uncensored version – is already trending across the world on social media (over 500,000+ views in two days), making “Love, Venezia” one of the most hotly anticipated gay films of 2024/5 – even before it’s released. For a glimpse into the breathtaking visuals and emotive storytelling of “Love, Venezia,” watch the official trailer here.
Writer and Director, Steve Balderson, is known for his unique storytelling prowess and visual finesse, expressed his enthusiasm for this project: “‘Love, Venezia’ is a deeply personal exploration of love and human connection set against the timeless backdrop of Venice. It’s a story that resonates with the heart and soul of every viewer, celebrating the enduring power of love amidst life’s challenges. By featuring an LGBTQ+ narrative, we are broadening the representation of love stories in cinema.”
The film stars Daniel Bateman, renowned for his compelling performances on Broadway (“Wicked”) and in the films “The Midnighters” and “Alone.” His nuanced acting and ability to embody complex characters make him a perfect fit for this emotionally charged role. Alexander Ananasso, celebrated for his versatile roles in “The Voyeur” and “The Embalmer,” brings depth and authenticity to the film with his captivating screen presence. Additionally, the iconic Mink Stole, known for her memorable performances in John Waters’ classics such as “Pink Flamingos,” “Hairspray,” and “Serial Mom” adds her unique charm to the cast.
Joining Balderson in bringing this enchanting tale to life is Jo Stanhope, acclaimed Casting Director and Producer from Leicestershire, who also worked on the award winning ‘As Strange As Angels’ film.
Stanhope, known for her meticulous attention to detail and keen eye for talent, shared her insights: “Working on ‘Love, Venezia’ was an extraordinary experience. The synergy between the cast and crew, coupled with the magical setting of Venice, elevated this film to a level of cinematic beauty that is truly unforgettable. The LGBTQ+ element of the story adds a layer of authenticity and representation that is much needed in today’s cinematic landscape.”
“Love, Venezia” explores the journey of two strangers whose paths intertwine unexpectedly in the romantic labyrinth of Venice. As their story unfolds, viewers are immersed in a world where love becomes not just a destination but a transformative journey of self-discovery and acceptance.
For a glimpse into the breathtaking visuals and emotive storytelling of “Love, Venezia,” watch the official trailer here.
Prepare to be enchanted as “Love, Venezia” premieres as the Closing Night Gala Film at Cinema Diverse (the Palm Springs LGBTQ Film Festival) in September 2024, before its international release in cinemas worldwide in 2025.