Please note, GCSE grading changed in 2017 from A*-“G to 9-1, hence the mix of this years letter and numerical results.
Grade 9 is the highest grade, set above the current A*. Grade 4 will be considered a standard pass and roughly equivalent to a C.
GCSE students: 142
Number of subjects entered: 1316
Grade 9 -A 21%
A* – 36% A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
Grade 8/9 (or equivalent) – 44%
Grade 7-9 (equivalent to A*/A) – 65% A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A A A
Grade 5-9 – 94%
Grade 4-9 (equivalent to A*-C) – 98% A A A A A A A A A A AA A A A A A
15 boys achieved at least 8s or 9s in nine or more subjects
63 boys achieved at least 8s or 9s in five or more subjects
86 boys achieved at least five grades of 7-9 (equivalent of A*/A)
94 boys achieved grades 8 or 9 in Mathematics
59% of grades in Maths and Science were at grades 8 or 9 (equivalent to A*)
2/3rds of Art students achieved grade 8s and 9s
94 boys (out of 118) achieved A*/A in Chemistry
55% of History students achieved A* (83% achieved A*/A)
Loughborough Grammar School boys are celebrating the school’s best set of GCSE grades for six years. It was difficult for pupils and teachers alike to know what to expect as the new numerical grades were awarded for the first time in many subjects. However, as envelopes were opened and thrown into the air in delight, it was clear that performance had been outstanding across the curriculum. 65% of results were graded 7-9 (the equivalent of A*/A) with 86 of the 142 pupils achieving these top grades in at least five subjects.
The national press had warned that very few candidates would achieve top grades across the board under the new system, but five boys managed this incredible feat. In addition, no fewer than 40 boys achieved at least seven grades of 8 or 9.
Headmaster, Duncan Byrne, said “These grades represent an outstanding performance from the GCSE students at Loughborough Grammar School, whose results not only give boys confidence as they embark on A Level study but also prepare the ground for applications to the country’s top universities in due course. The boys’ excellent results in Mathematics and Science (77% grades 7-9 or A*/A in old money) demonstrates the school’s strengths in STEM subjects, and will help to produce the doctors, engineers and research scientists required to help the world meet the challenges of the 21st Century. In addition, what the grades don’t tell is how boys have achieved these stellar results alongside the sporting, musical and dramatic commitments, and it is this balanced education that has helped them to develop the resilience and independent study skills that will enable them to thrive in later life.â€
Contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Tel – 01509 233233
Twitter – @LboroGrammar
Facebook – Loughborough Grammar School
GCSE students entered- 82
Percentage pass rate (A*-G)- 100%
A* – 53.5%
A* to A – 78.8%
A* to B – 94.2%
A* to C – 98.8%
Percentage pass rate (9-1) – 100%
Grade 9 – 42.3%
Grade 8/9 (A* equivalent) – 64.9%
Grade 7-9 (A*to A equivalent) – 83.1%
Grade 4-9 (A*to C equivalent) – 99.23%
100% of girls have at least five GCSEs at grade 5/C and above, including English and Maths.
Seven girls have 10A*/9 grades.
35 girls (42.7%) have all A*/A and 7/8/9.
GCSE sciences (all triple award) with all subjects having at least 60% A*.
Religious Studies has 80% of girls at grade 9 and Maths has 40% at grade 9.
Spanish has 49% grade 9.
Latin has 60% grade 9 (100% grade 8/9).
Head, Gwen Byrom, said: ‘These results, which are the best since 2009 for Loughborough High School, are a real testament to the hard work and dedication of the girls and our staff who have supported them. They have coped brilliantly with both reformed and iGCSE and these outstanding results absolutely demonstrate that the concerns about qualifications are, for LHS, completely unfounded.’
Contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Tel – 01509 212348
Twitter – @LboroHigh
Facebook – Loughborough High School
GCSE Students entered: 27
Percentage A* – A / 9“ 7 A A A A A A 26%
Percentage A* – B / 9“ 5 A A A A A A 74%
Percentage A* – C / 9“ 4 A A A A A A 90%
Headmaster, Dr Julian Murphy, said “I am absolutely delighted with our GCSE results this year. Our results have improved on last year on every single measure, with 26% of grades at 9-7 and 52% of grades at 9-6/B. These results are testament to the hard work and dedication of both students and teachers and, for a non-selective school, are truly impressive. Most exciting is the fact that our percentage of, grade 6 results are up by 21%. This shows that the educational reforms underway within our School are already raising the number of grade 6 GCSEs gained by middle and lower ability students. This is a trend that will only grow stronger over the coming years.
Particular congratulations to Maud, who achieved nine GCSEs at 9 and 8 grades and Naomi, who achieved seven GCSEs at 9 and 8 grades.
Contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Tel – 01509 263901
Twitter – @LboroAmherst
For further details on all GCSE results and individual success stories at each school, please visit the websites and social media channels detailed above or visit