On Monday 28 January, the Leicester and Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP) will launch a brand-new Careers Hub at Beaumont Leys School.
The LLEP Careers Hub is one of only 20 across the whole of England. It consists of 20 schools and colleges working together across Leicester and Leicestershire.
For many young people, deciding what to do after leaving school can be challenging. Finding the right information, and learning about the careers options available, is hugely important. The LLEP Careers Hub will improve careers education across Leicester and Leicestershire, expanding the horizons and raising the aspirations of our young people.
The launch will provide an opportunity to understand how the ambitions of the Hub will shape the future of young people as they think about the skills needed and careers available in a rapidly changing landscape. Over 100 delegates from schools, training providers, businesses and local authorities will be in attendance.
Dawn Parkinson is Principal of Beaumont Leys School. She said:
“As the lead school we’re hugely excited to host the launch of the LLEP Careers Hub at Beaumont Leys School. Careers information is a key part of modern education, and as such we’re proud to be the lead school for Leicester and Leicestershire.
“By pooling expertise and best practice across the 20 institutions that make up the LLEP Careers Hub, we can ensure that our young people have access to the very best information and guidance.”
The LLEP Hub will have access to support and funding to help them meet the eight Gatsby Benchmarks of excellent careers education. This includes:
- A ‘Hub Lead’ to help coordinate activity and build networks
- Access to bursaries for individual schools and colleges to train ‘careers leaders’
- Central Hub Fund equivalent to provide innovative programmes
- Access to funding for schools to support employer encounters
As well as learning about the Careers Hub, the event will be a chance to hear about the work of the Enterprise Advisor Network (EAN).
The Enterprise Adviser Network matches schools and colleges with senior business volunteers to help create powerful, lasting partnerships between schools, colleges, employers and careers programme providers.
Claudia Harris is Chief Executive of the Careers and Enterprise Company. She said:
“We’re excited by the potential impact of the Hubs. If employers, schools and colleges can better prepare young people for the world of work, we’re not just benefiting the future economy, but improving prospects for thousands of young people
Kevin Harris, LLEP Chair, said:
“The Careers hub is a shining example of how the LLEP aims to support the economic future of Leicester and Leicestershire.
“By opening the eyes of young people to the myriad opportunities available to them in the world of work, we can ensure that the workforce of tomorrow in our region is strong, capable and ambitious.
“After working with the Careers Hub, they will be ready to tackle professional challenges that previous generations of school leavers couldn’t even conceive of.”
The launch event will also feature research information on employer perceptions on young people in the region that was recently published in the LLEP’s ‘Skills for the Future 2018-2030’ report.