Photography experts at ParrotPrint want to see those dogs and celebrate our most visually challenging pets.
The search is on to find the UK’s ugliest dog! Owners of ugly dogs are being invited to enter a national contest to win a makeover for their unfortunate pets.
The competition, run by photography company, are out to find the UK’s ugliest dog and comes with a warning urging pretty dogs not to apply. The prize will be a professional doggie makeover and a before and after session.
The organisers claim that every dog is beautiful in the eyes of its owners.
This contest sets out to celebrate pets who are visually challenging.
The contest for the UK’s ugliest dog is open for entries now with a closing date of 31st December 2022. The 12 shortlisted dogs will be announced in the New Year ahead of the selection of an overall winner. To find out how to apply visit or email your entry to [email protected]
To find out how to create the perfect print of your pet to hang on your wall at home please visit:
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