Speed limits exist for a reason: to reduce the risk of road collisions. Yet despite the obvious benefits, people across the UK ignore this law every day – and the West Midlands is no exception. Just how often are Brits caught speeding in this area, though? More importantly, how is affecting our region?
How many people have been caught?
In 2018 alone, police in our area issued over 57,000 speeding tickets – and a staggering 33,000 have been given out this year alone. These figures come directly from data published on the West Midlands police website last month. Unsurprisingly, a number of offenses are captured by either a fixed or mobile camera, though many speeders are also caught in the act by police. The website also reveals that last year, 94 cases were recorded where a motorist went over 100 mph, all of which occurred on the motorway. The top speed was 149 mph, which was registered on the M5.
What happens after you’re caught speeding?
So, what happens after a driver has been caught speeding? If they’ve been caught on camera, it depends on the model that’s been used to capture their offense. Road users are typically able to tell straightaway if they’ve been seen by a camera, from the bright double flash behind their car. Not every camera emits an obvious warning, though – some are built with infrared lights to reduce brightness.
In this case, speeders will likely first learn that they’ve been caught through a letter containing a Section 172 Notice of Intended Prosecution (NIP). This document demands that they either plead guilty or not guilty. If a driver pleads guilty, they’re usually either given the option to attend a speed awareness course or pay a £100 fine and have three points added to their licence. Those who plead not guilty, however, must defend their case in court – and if it’s overruled, they may end up with a higher fine and more penalty points.
What are the effects of speeding?
Obviously, those that speed risk fatality and injury to themselves and other road users. In Birmingham alone, 30 people were killed on roads during 2017, while a further 411 were seriously injured. Though most of the accidents by police occurred in dry conditions, roads were wet or flooded in a fifth of recorded cases. As you’ll likely know already, wet weather conditions can affect the braking distance of a car.
In addition, road collisions caused by speeding can result in heavy whiplash, a neck injury triggered by the sudden movement of the head forwards, backwards or sideways. Of course, the most common immediate side effects are neck pain and tenderness – but it can also have a long-term impact.
If pain persists, for example, and begins to impact on the victim’s career, it could lead to issues like depression and anxiety. If you believe you’ve suffered from whiplash, don’t hesitate to contact a medical professional. Likewise, make sure to seek a specialist for advice on whiplash claims and compensation.
Speeding is a massive issue – both in the West Midlands and across the UK. As always, sensible driving is crucial for creating safer roads for everyone.