Yet again Curve’s Young Company and Community production has raised the bar and surpassed all expectations of what an amateur cast can do on a big stage writes Donald Peden.
The opening scene in Fiddler on the Roof, directed by Curve’s Sarah Ingram, set the audience up perfectly with a cast bursting with enthusiasm who delighted in entertaining the audience and were clearly enjoying every second of being on Al Parkinson’s clever set.
Special note must be made of Debbie Longley as Golde and Bill Hinds as Tevye who’s on stage chemistry was so strong we’re surprised that there’s no real life wedding bells!
Must see moments include “The Matchmaker” song performed by Hannah Willars as Hodel and Rose Chadwell as Chavat and Lauren Russell’s Tzeitel owning of the stage during the wedding scene.
Hats off to Eleanor Page “The Fiddler” who from start to curtain close had the fiddlestick in hand.